x-mas lightbox

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Rating System:
1 = „very good“
2 = „appropriate“
3 = „in need of improvement“
4 = „unacceptable“
1The availability of our employees ?
2The friendliness of our staff ?
3The response time to your queries ?
4Quality of our advice?
5Our delivery times ?
6The price level of our products ?
7The capabilities of our products ?
8The quality of our products ?
9The processing of complaints ?
10The technical support ?
11Our training offer ?
Please let us know your suggestions for improvement:

© 2020 | NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH | Lange Wand 3 | 33719 Bielefeld | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49 (0) 521 13629-0